Wednesday 14 July 2010

Well I have found heaven in Cyprus. It's a little bar called 'Emily's' run by a couple from Nottingham and their daughter Hayley. They sell all the food that I recognise, they make tea and coffee as we know it, and there is a free wireless hook up! I am sat in the bar with 2 other Arsenal supporters and a Liverpool supporter. It's 39 outside but the sea breeze blowing through is fantastic ahhhhh! The heat sent me a bit batty in the first few days but you get used to it. Plenty of water during the day makes you feel much better than plenty of beer! The apartment is great, though some of the insects that fly past look like they could carry passengers. We have melon for breakfast, about the size of a rugby ball, that's the water supply for the first few hours! After that you just hope you can drink faster than you are losing it!

I did have a lymph reaction in my groin area the week after the biopsy. They told me at the hospital that it was probably infected hair follicles. I don't have any hairs in that spot!! Well I was so worried about it that I didn't want to put it on the blog. It makes me concerned that I might do this if things don't go smoothly with my results. I don't want to worry my kids especially, but I am hoping they will go along with the truth! The three areas of concern have all gone down and faded now, no others have appeared. I reckon it was a lymph reaction to the injury caused by the biopsy. Talking of which, my brother Paul is bypassing and going straight to the MRI stage. Oh you don't know what you are missing mate he he!

Thanks to Sasha for sorting that little admin problem earlier this week and well done to Lucienne for that neat little plan you drew up! Chantal, how did the league pan out? Man U Dave, thanks for the updates on the footie but don't send me any more jokes please, they cost £1 each to receive!!!

My new friend Dave who I met on a 'cancer chat site', (yep they have them) is a diving instructor in the South of Cyprus. He also captains ships from country to country. He got his results on Friday and they were very favourable. So pleased for him.

Well I now know how important this blog is to me, because the last few days not being able to complete it have made me feel a little anxious. I think we all need things to cling on to that are not necessarily within ourselves. If you don't, you are either lucky or kidding yourself. What would be the worse thing that someone could remove from your life? I don't mean a person, just a thing!

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